2021 – ISA Chennai city Election Announcement (click here)

WTG Morton
‘Eternal Vigilance’
(Everlasting Watchfullness is our motto)

To cope up with the ever expanding digital world it is imperative to have a website on our own and Chennai city branch ISA, now has established one. We are happy to invite you to this wide platform which can be used for broad scientific discussion, updation and to share anaesthetic experience.We are also planning to introduce newer arenas in future to keep this website more interactive,user friendly and as well a communicating tool.

We welcome you to work as a family for the betterment of our anaesthesiologist society.


Election for Vacant Posts of ISA Chennai Metro

This is to bring to your kind notice that

Dr Ilango Ganesan immediate past President of ISA Chennai Metro will serve as chief election officer for conducting the election for vacant posts of isa Chennai metro.

prof Dr G ILANGO

[email protected]

As per national hq advisory our president elect Dr jaichandran will automatically be installed as president… Remaining all posts are to be filled.

Notification and General Guidelines for ISA State,Metro & City Elections 2024

Long live ISA🙏🏼

Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Dr V j Karthik
Hon. Secretary
Isa Chennai metro